Joe Pickett season 2 episode 9 spoilers: The last before finale

Joe Pickett season 2

It may go without saying for a lot of people out there, but Joe Pickett season 2 episode 9 is going to be pretty darn significant. After all, we are talking about the penultimate episode of the season! Whatever happens here is going to carry over to the epic finale on the other side, and it remains be seen if we are going to get a season 3 or not!

What we can at least tell you right now is this: The writers do not appear to be holding anything back. This is going to be a big, crazy episode — whatever happens here is going to set the stage for the finale. Marybeth in particular could be at the front and center of a lot of it.

The title for this Joe Pickett episode is “If This Is Goodbye.” Want to know more? Then go ahead and check out the season 2 episode 9 synopsis below:

In a desperate bid to set things right, Marybeth makes a decision that will change her life forever. Joe reckons with trauma from his past.

Of course, don’t be shocked if there is some sort of super-dramatic cliffhanger at the end of it. Isn’t this what we’ve seen at points this season already? The one at the conclusion of episode 8 has to be one of the craziest ones that we’ve had a chance to see so far. It’s another reminder of what this show is capable of when it is firing on all cylinders.

Speaking of what this show is capable of, why don’t we go ahead and remind everyone to either watch the series live, or at least tell your friends to the same! After all, this is the only way at present to ensure that it could come back for another batch of episodes. These are uncertain times in the industry and nothing is assured.

What do you most want to see at the moment leading into Joe Pickett season 2 episode 9?

Is there any one thing in particular? Be sure to share right now in the attached comments! Once you do just that, come back for some other updates coming up.

(Photo: Paramount+.)

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