Secret Invasion season 1 episode 2: After Maria Hill’s death…

Secret Invasion season 1

As we now prepare to see Secret Invasion season 1 episode 2 on Disney+ next week, we do have a sense of direction for the show.

After all, consider this: We’ve known the character of Nick Fury for well over a decade at this point. Because of this, we know that the producers needed to do something big in order to justify the existence of a standalone story now. Was killing off Maria Hill in the first episode the right move? Well, we still have an issue with it — this is someone who never really had a chance to shine in the spotlight as we once hoped, and it felt for a while that this was going to be the golden opportunity.

Because of all of this, we do feel bummed … but obviously, the show must go on and over the next few episodes, we imagine that episode 2 is going to be the beginning of the revenge plan for Samuel L. Jackson’s character.

Because of Fury’s importance within the greater MCU and how much the Skrulls factor into the narrative here, we do tend to think that Secret Invasion is the sort of show that will matter greatly to everything coming up within some other projects. With that, we do consider it necessary viewing and the plan here seems to be to tell a dark, character-driven story with some big action set pieces strewn in throughout. If you have thought that some recent projects have created an environment that is perhaps a bit too comedic, this show will turn some of that around.

Just remember for a moment that this project is only six episodes. As a result of that, there is going to be a lot of story that is told here, sooner rather than later. The intensity has to ratchet up fast!

Related Be sure to get more thoughts on the premiere of Secret Invasion, including the death of Maria

What do you most want to see moving into Secret Invasion season 1 episode 2?

How do you think the show can make the death of Maria Hill meaningful … or really can they? Share right now in the comments! Once you do just that, be sure to come back for some other updates.

(Photo: Disney+.)

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