Heels season 2 trailer: When should you expect it?

Heels season 1 art

Are we getting closer to the Heels season 2 premiere on Starz? Absolutely, and it is a thrill to know that the show is back come July 28.

Now that we’ve spelled this out, let’s talk for a moment about a trailer. When in the world can we anticipate getting a chance to see that? Well, we hope that it will surface sooner rather than later but odds are, we are probably waiting around a month.

Based on where things are at present, the easiest expectation for us to have right now is that we’re going to have a chance to see the trailer around a month or so before the show comes back — and we hope that this is also a part of a really long and robust marketing campaign for the Stephen Amell – Alexander Ludwig series. Let’s remember for a moment that filming for this show wrapped up a long time ago and honestly, it could take a lot of work to even remind a lot of viewers out there that this show was ever once on the air in the first place. We hope that there’s a concentrated effort here put into making sure that viewers discover the show and also stay excited for it.

As for what you can expect to see moving into the second season, our hope is that it won’t pick up too far after the events of the season 1 finale. Crystal was able to win the title match and with that, the DWL has a new star on his hands! Of course, the problem remains that we’re going to be seeing Jack and Ace Spade potentially still at odds!

Do we think that this new season is going to be thoroughly entertaining? Absolutely, but we also tend to think that it will be contentious. Our hope is that it proves to raise the bar even further from what we saw the first time around.

Related Be sure to get some more discussion on the subject of Heels

What are you hoping to see moving into a Heels season 2 trailer?

Be sure to share right now in the comments! Once you do just that, remember to come back for other updates right now on the show and the future.

(Photo: Starz.)

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