Celebrity Big Brother season 4: Is it a possibility on CBS this fall?

Celebrity Big Brother season 3

If you are like us, then a Celebrity Big Brother season 4 probably has not been on your radar for a good while now. However, is there a reason why that could be changing?

We should note here that nothing has been confirmed or even referenced at present from CBS, but for some reason, Julie Chen Moonves was on E! News recently and was asked about dream celebrity participants. Her answer shouldn’t be that shocking, even though it’d never happen in a million years:

“I’m gonna say Kim Kardashian—because she’s Kim Kardashian and one of the most beautiful, fascinating women in the world … And can she win Big Brother? She does everything else great.”

(For those wondering, Julie also talked about Tom Brady, which will also never happen.)

The real path to a season 4

If there’s one thing we know about CBS, it’s that they like to use this franchise as a fill-in for some other shows. Two out of the first three seasons, after all, were put on the air during the Winter Olympics. This fall, there’s a chance that the traditional TV schedule could be impeded by a writers’ strike — the deadline on a resolution is May 1. The network probably needs at least a contingency plan in the case of a prolonged event — don’t you think they would consider this? It fills up a lot of timeslots and can be put together in a pretty short period of time.

While we are not saying a Celebrity Big Brother 4 is going to happen, we certainly feel like there have probably been at least conversations. In addition to filling up the schedule, this franchise is a solid driver of subscriptions to Paramount+. The biggest concern is that you lose some viewers due to franchise fantigue, but there are people who stick by The Challenge at this point despite it being on a million times throughout the year.

Do you think there is any chance at a Celebrity Big Brother season 4 happening at CBS?

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(Photo: CBS.)

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