The Challenge: Ride or Dies episode 12 spoilers: The comeback?

The Challenge: Ride or Dies

What do you most want to see when it comes to The Challenge: Ride or Dies episode 12? There is another episode coming next week, so you don’t have to worry in this instance about there being a holiday hiatus or something in that vein. The competition continues and to the surprise of no one, things are going to get heated.

Of course, entering this episode some teams are feeling more secure than others. What are you willing to do in order to get yourself out of danger? How many lines are you willing to cross? These are things that we’re very well aware of already.

Below, you can check out the full synopsis for episode 12 — at the very least, it offers up some clues as to what you can expect to see from here:

After multiple losses, one team realizes that they must come together to win. After losing his Ride or Die in the last elimination, one player feels vulnerable to danger while another player must count on their Ride or Die to keep him out of the Zone.

We are getting closer to the final, but remember that we’re not quite there as of yet! There’s still potential for TJ to throw a few more twists at us; as a matter of fact, it wouldn’t be The Challenge if that didn’t happen at some point.

Based on the promo tonight…

The next episode is going to have some sort of heated confrontation around a main challenge involving a helicopter. The person vulnerable right now has to be Nelson, who lost Nurys and is going to be navigating the rest of this show in as complicated a way as you are going to imagine.

Related Get some more news when it comes to The Challenge: Ride or Dies right now

What are you the most interested in seeing as we prepare for The Challenge: Ride or Dies episode 12 on MTV?

Who are you rooting for to win? Be sure to share right now in the comments! Once you do just that, remember to keep coming back for some other updates. (Photo: MTV.)

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