Stranger Things 4 episode 8 teaser: The Eleven, Vecna showdown
Based on the newly-released teaser below, it also seems like the remaining episodes are setting up a showdown between Eleven and Vecna. Within this video, you can see a collision course being formed between the two following Eleven’s decisions in Volume I. This is someone who was locked away for decades and in that time, it’s fair to say that he changed.
Sure, we wouldn’t say that there is any one moment in this teaser that gets a ton of time; instead, the real goal here is to present a number of different highlights. With that, you get a far better sense of the chaos that will be approaching every single person within the town of Hawkins. Our hope is at the end of this, there’s also a bit tease for what the fifth and final season will look like. We’ve gotten a sense for a while that the Duffer Brothers had a clear plan of where they were going with the series and now, we’re going to see just how much they will follow through with it all.
Going into these episodes, just prepare for it to be a long time before the show comes back on the air. Based on what we’ve seen with past seasons, we’re expecting a pretty substantial wait; luckily, Netflix knows based on their viewership data for season 4 that people will stick around.
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This article was written by Jessica BunBun. Be sure to follow her on Twitter.