Is Naomi new tonight on The CW? Season 1 episode 10 chatter


Is Naomi new tonight on The CW? Are we about to get some more great stories from within the world of this show?

It absolutely goes without saying that there’s a lot with this cast and crew to look forward to here, but we do have to start off with a dose of the bad news. Unfortunately, there is no new episode of the series tonight. What’s the reason for that? The network has seemingly paired up this superhero show with another in Superman & Lois, and they don’t want one of them to air without the other. Both of these shows are coming back on Tuesday, April 26, and we’re 100% hoping that this will allow them to air new installments for several weeks in a row.

So what can you expect in the immediate future? Season 1 episode 10 carries with it the title of “Fallout,” and that should give you a pretty big clue in general as to what you’re going to see. The reveal with the parents was a huge one! It’s something that resets much of the mythology and indicates that there’s a lot of emotional upheaval over the next couple of episodes.

One of the things that Naomi has in common with Superman & Lois is that in both cases, we’re dealing with shows that are hopeful, inspirational, and also show that there’s more to heroes than just having power. It’s the vulnerability that makes them stand out more than invulnerability. If you can’t relate to the people you’re watching, then there is fundamentally no show.

Hopefully, at some point over the next few weeks we’ll hear something more about a potential season 2. Like another first-year show in 4400, The CW has so far held off on making a decision.

Related Be sure to get some more news when it comes to Naomi right now

What do you most want to see when it comes to Naomi season 1 episode 10?

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