Survivor 42 spotlight: Lindsay Dolashewich brings the competitive fire!

Lindsay Dolashewich

The more we hear about Lindsay Dolashewich as a contestant entering Survivor 42the more that we assume she’s going to take no prisoners. She’s one of the more competitive people we’ve seen in terms of preseason coverage, and she absolutely could be a challenge beast.

So what do we know about her? She’s a 31-year old dietician from Asbury Park, New Jersey, and she’s been involved in sports and competition from an early age. She played tackle football for years when she was a kid! She also compares herself to Stephenie LaGrossa, which is at least a strong bit of evidence that she’s a longtime viewer of the show.

Watch our Survivor 41 finale review now! take a look below to get some more thoughts on the end of that season! Once you do just that, SUBSCRIBE to Matt & Jess on YouTube — there are some other updates coming and we don’t want you to miss any of them.

One of the things that this Stephenie comparison tells us is that Lindsay won’t ever give up, but that she could also be a little bit hard-headed and stubborn. She basically admits to that in her casting videos, and it seems like she’s not going to be someone who appreciates being told what to do. Within the world of this game, that could be both her biggest strength and also her greatest hindrance. Not everyone around her is going to appreciate that particular philosophy and she has to go ahead and be prepared for that.

Odds are, though, Lindsay will be too valuable to go out early unless she really just doesn’t get along with other players — which did happen to Stephenie the third time that she played. Our feeling here is that she’ll be someone who gets in grave danger after the merge; we think she’ll be incredibly fun to watch, but so much of Survivor is about the social game. That’s what she will probably need to perfect out there to have a good chance — and to defuse the target that is going to be on her back.

Related Be sure to get some more news when it comes to Survivor right now

How do you think Lindsay Dolashewich is going to fare on Survivor 42?

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