The Gilded Age season 1 episode 5 spoilers: The impact of Clara Barton

The Gilded Age season 1

As you prepare for The Gilded Age season 1 episode 5 on HBO this Monday, be prepared for another historical figure to play an important role.

How the Julian Fellowes drama is incorporating some of these people is rather smart. They’re finding a way to show who they are and their impact on the world, while also keeping the primary focus on some fictional characters. We’ve spoken already about Ward McAllister making an appearance in this upcoming episode (titled “Charity Has Two Functions”); now, we can also confirm you’ll be seeing Clara Barton, as well. She was a pioneer for women, a nurse, and also the founder of the American Red Cross.

Per the official The Gilded Age season 1 episode 5 synopsis below, you’re going to have a chance to see a number of different characters interact with her:

George and Bertha extend an invite to a young man who’s piqued Gladys’ interest. After charming Mr. McAllister, Bertha accompanies Marian and Aurora to hear Clara Barton speak in Dansville. There, Peggy works on her article and shares the story of her first love with Marian, whose interest in Mr. Raikes continues to grow. Oscar crosses paths with a vengeful Turner.

While we don’t necessarily expect Clara Barton to appear in a number of season 1 episodes moving forward, that’s not exactly the point here. Instead, we imagine that Fellowes will have her make an enormous impact in ultimately, a rather short amount of time. That way, her influence can reverberate through a lot of different stories coming up down the road. Given that there is already a season 2 for The Gilded Age ordered, you can also take comfort in knowing that there are more opportunities to see historical figures moving forward.

Related Check out some more news when it comes to The Gilded Age right now

What do you most want to see when it comes to The Gilded Age season 1 episode 5?

Is there any one story that you’re excited to see down the line? Be sure to share right now in the attached comments! We’ll have some other updates coming as well, and we don’t want you to miss them. (Photo: HBO.)

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