The Masked Singer: More on Ken Jeong, Rudi Giuliani, and Robin Thicke

Masked Singer

One of the biggest television stories of the past week revolves around The Masked Singerand there is a certain irony to it. After all, the show is currently on hiatus and won’t be back until next month!

Yet, here it is: Controversial ex-Mayor Rudi Giuliani is supposedly one of the contestants on the upcoming season, and upon his unmasking show judges Robin Thicke and Ken Jeong left the panel. The other two judges in Nicole Scherzinger and Jenny McCarthy were left behind to speak with Giuliani.

So what happened directly to cause much of this? Speaking to People Magazine, here is what a source close to the set reportedly had to say:

“Ken was super upset and indeed stormed out … Robin actually followed him because he and Ken are very close friends and he wanted to check on him. Robin didn’t storm out because of Giuliani.”

The report connects some of Jeong’s anger towards him being a former physician, coupled with the political viewpoints shared by people in Giuliani’s orbit towards the global health crisis and preventative measures to stop the spread.

What we do wonder is if any of this in the long-term will cause The Masked Singer to steer away from political figures on the show; there was backlash to them casting Sarah Palin, and now some of that has increased exponentially with Giuliani being a supposed part of the cast. Is Fox happy with all of this? They have more people talking about the show for sure, but how much is that going to encourage them to watch? We do wonder if we’re starting to venture a little bit past the “any publicity is good publicity” arguments that we’ve heard in the past.

Related Be sure to get some more news on The Masked Singer right now

Do you think any of this backlash will lead to The Masked Singer changing anything in regards to their bookings?

Be sure to share right now in the comments! Once you do just that, remember to stick around for other updates that we won’t want you to miss. (Photo: Fox.)

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