The Blacklist season 9: Is Reddington’s identity really wrapped?
So now that we are focused on issues in the present, are we therefore done looking at things in the past? At the moment, it feels reasonable to think that may be the case … but the questions over Reddington’s identity do linger.
New The Blacklist video! Take a look below to see some more of our thoughts all about the season 9 premiere. Once you do just that, remember to also SUBSCRIBE to Matt & Jess on YouTube! There are other updates on the way and, of course, we don’t want you missing them.
At the end of season 8, The Blacklist did something that some consider an answer that Reddington could be Katarina. With the way that they spliced together that footage, there are reasons to draw that conclusion. However, there have also long been many holes in the idea that Reddington and Katarina are one in the same and if the show were to fully go here, they’d probably need to do more to properly explain it. (Personally, we don’t see anything at the end of season 8 as conclusive.)
What we think the show may be doing right now is just moving forward and feeling as though no answer will ever be satisfactory to anyone. We know the subject is polarizing, but that doesn’t mean they should abandon it altogether, either. Even if the writers move away from this idea for a while, our hope is that it at least gets addressed again before the series comes to a close.
Do you think that The Blacklist season 9 is really done with the issue of Reddington’s identity?
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