American Horror Story: Double Feature episode 9: The aliens’ plan?

American Horror Story Double Feature

Based on early indications, American Horror Story: Double Feature episode 9 will be a story that brings us a lot of answers. It’s also one that almost has to. Just think for a moment about how many episodes this season supposedly has: Ten. That was the reporting coming into season 10 and while that can always change, we gotta view “Blue Moon” as a story that will set the stage for the finale.

Is it strange to anyone else that “Red Tide” is longer than “Death Valley”? It shows that maybe more of the thinking for this season went into the former; it’s either that or they just had more story to tell there. (“Red Tide” certainly received more promotion than the second part of the season has.)

New American Horror Story: Double Feature video! Check out below some of our thoughts on the most-recent episode of the series! Once you take a look at that, remember to also SUBSCRIBE to Matt & Jess on YouTube — there are other updates coming the rest of the season and we don’t want you missing them.

If you do want a few more details now on American Horror Story: Double Feature episode 9 and what to anticipate, we suggest viewing the synopsis below:

An unexpected visitor arrives at the White House and reveals the details of the horrific plan. Written by Kristen Reidel & Manny Coto & Reilly Smith; directed by Laura Belsey and John J. Gray.

Clearly, this is an indication that the show is sticking with the two-timeline approach for the time being, one where we’ll perhaps see what’s going on with the President as a means to understand better why there are aliens still around. From where we sit right now, it sounds like there was a cover-up here where he may have offered these aliens something in return for humanity’s safety — we’ll at least see if that pattern holds.

Related Be sure to get some other news when it comes to American Horror Story

What do you most want to see on American Horror Story: Double Feature episode 9?

Be sure to share right now in the attached comments! After doing that, remember to stick around; there are some other updates ahead and we don’t want you missing them. (Photo: FX.)

This article was written by Jess Carter. Be sure to follow her on Twitter.

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