Brooklyn Nine-Nine season 8 episode 3, 4 spoilers: ‘Blue Flu,’ ‘Balancing’

Brooklyn Nine-Nine season 5

Next week on NBC be prepared to see not just Brooklyn Nine-Nine season 8 episode 3, but episode 4 to go along with it! Much like we saw tonight the comedy is going to be giving you another double-dose of new episodes. This final-season run is going to be extremely short, but hopefully still satisfying. You’ll get updates on characters, timely storylines, and also some nostalgia for earlier seasons.

Because NBC knows that we’re nearing the end of the show’s run, they are understandably being rather coy when it comes to what’s ahead. The synopses for episode 3 and episode 4 below may be pretty brief, but we like to think that they get the job done.

Season 8 episode 3, “Blue Flu” – 08/19/2021 (08:00PM – 08:30PM) (Thursday) : Capt. Holt and Amy manage an understaffed precinct. Jake and Charles investigate. TV-14

At this point in her career, how eager is Amy going to be to still impress Holt? There is something really fun that comes from watching her.

Season 8 episode 4, “Balancing” – 08/19/2021 (08:30PM – 09:00PM) (Thursday) : Jake and Amy create a system to balance work and childcare. Rosa gets a new houseguest. TV-14

With this episode in particular it feels like the creation of the system is going to be a big part of the fun. After all, there’s no guarantee that the actual execution of it is going to go according to plan! That’s a real part of the show’s fun — we know how much Santiago cares for finding a way to prepare for every situation. Yet, Jake’s strength is knowing how to adapt and fly by the seat of his pants. These two are able to balance each other out, which is probably one of the reasons why they are such a great couple to watch.

Related Be sure to get some more news when it comes to Brooklyn Nine-Nine right now

What do you most want to see when it comes to Brooklyn Nine-Nine season 8 episode 3?

What about episode 4 beyond just that? Be sure to share right now in the attached comments! Once you do this, remember to stick around to get some other news that you don’t want to miss. (Photo: NBC.)

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