Shameless series finale: Emmy Rossum shows love to cast; Fiona hopes

Is Emmy Rossum coming back to Shameless for the series finale? We know that we’d love to see it happen. Yet, there isn’t anything out there close to confirmation. The producers have been very-much cagey on the possibility, and they certainly have no guaranteed anything.

While Emmy did leave the show and her role as Fiona back at the end of season 9, she’s shown nothing but love to the entire team over the years. For the latest example of that, all you have to do is check out a new post on Twitter! She responded to a photo posted by William H. Macy with a simple message of “love you guys” — it doesn’t give much away, but it’s evidence that the show is on her mind as we near the end.

It makes sense for Rossum to have a ton of love for Shameless. She was an anchor for it for so many years, and Fiona’s one of the only reason that some of the Gallaghers are even functional at this point. After all she did to try to help them, it always made sense for the character to go off somewhere and get a little bit of happiness of her own. It was the most fitting exit that she could ever receive.

Obviously, we’d love to see Fiona back on-screen; if Frank Gallagher does die, we hope that she’d be there for the rest of her family. It would almost certainly be more about that than being there for Frank himself. If Frank doesn’t die, it’d at least be nice to hear a character comment on where she is and what she’s doing — Emmy is busy, so it wouldn’t be a shock if she was absent for the final episode. We just hope that at some point along the line, we get a reminder of just how much Fiona meant to the series.

Do you want to see Emmy Rossum back for the Shameless series finale?

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