The Alienist: Angel of Darkness episode 5, 6 spoilers: The case hits home

The Alienist: Angel of Darkness

Coming up next week, you’re going to see a double-dose of chaos starting with The Alienist: Angel of Darkness episode 5. There’s another two hours coming up on the show that are going to accelerate this story in a big way. We’ve seen how Sara’s career has advanced since the first season, and while she’s made some strides in the case, there are other problems that are set to unfold, as well. To be specific, there are going to be lives in jeopardy across these two hours.

Want more details? Then check out the two synopses below for what lies ahead…

Episode 5, “Belly of the Beast” – After the horrific murder of a Lying-In Hospital employee, the team are now hot on the heels of the murderer. Sara (Dakota Fanning) enlists the help of Joanna (Brittany Batchelder) to tail their prime suspect. Sara, Kreizler (Daniel Brühl) and Moore (Luke Evans) try and put the pieces together, but they find that not even Sara’s office is out of the killer’s reach.

Episode 6, “Memento Mori” – Sara (Dakota Fanning) and Moore (Luke Evans) return to the killer’s abandoned house in search of new information about their suspect. Kreizler (Daniel Brühl) faces ruin after a tragic incident at the Institute. Sara and the team are enlisted to rescue another missing child, but this time they must work with their adversary, former Commissioner Thomas Byrnes (Ted Levine).

Let’s just go ahead and say this right now — anytime that someone goes into a killer’s abandoned house, we’re going to have a lot of questions about their sanity.

How are the ratings so far?

Given that season 1 was such a huge ratings hit for TNT, we’re sure that they were expecting something just about equally great for season 2. That hasn’t turned out to be the case through the first airing. While getting a 0.2 rating in the 18-49 demographic and around 1.2 million viewers for the first episode isn’t necessarily terrible, but it is a big dip from the first season. We want to see the show come back for a third batch of episodes eventually, so at the very least, let’s hope the numbers stabilize.

Related News Be sure to get some more news when it comes to The Alienist: Angel of Darkness

What do you want to see on The Alienist: Angel of Darkness episode 5?

Let us know right now in the attached comments! Meanwhile, remember to stick around for some other news on the show. (Photo: TNT.)

This article was written by Jessica Carter. Be sure to follow her on Twitter.

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