Snowpiercer episode 5 spoilers: Melanie prepares a trial

Snowpiercer season 1

If you find yourself interested in Snowpiercer episode 5 or some more information on what lies ahead, consider this your source!

The first thing that is worth noting about this upcoming episode is that we’re getting closer and closer to a full-on war with this trial. Class conflict is one of the key themes of this show, as you have one dark, gritty world facing off against something that is very much artificial. We’ve seen a lot of placating the rich throughout the first handful of episodes, but it was clear that this was a tactic that would only work for so long. Eventually, we did think that things were going to come to a head and now, we’re at a point where they very much have.

Want a few more details on the future? Then be sure to check out the full Snowpiercer episode 5 synopsis with other details on where the story goes:

Tensions between Third Class and First Class are boiling as Melanie stages the trial of the Snowpiercer killer.

We imagine that throughout this episode, we’re going to have a chance to see Melanie try to manage events in a very different way than ever before. This is going to prove to be very important to setting up the remainder of at least this first batch of episodes.

One thing that we are excited about right now is to see if the audience enthusiasm around the show can stay steady moving forward. There was a big drop-off in the ratings from the premiere to episode 2. However, the numbers leveled off and actually improved in some measurements for episode 3. Doesn’t that give us a little bit more confidence in the future? We know that there is already a season 2 renewal, but we want to see the series deliver one of the biggest ratings punches possible.

Related News Be sure to get some other news when it comes to Snowpiercer

What do you most want to see when it comes to Snowpiercer episode 5?

How do you think Melanie’s task is going to go for her? Be sure to share right now in the comments below! Meanwhile, remember to stick around for some other news regarding the series. (Photo: TNT.)

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