Jack Ryan season 2 episode 4 review: Did Jack find answers in London?

Jack Ryan

On Jack Ryan season 2 episode 4, what we saw was the show becoming more global in scale than ever.

Why was that? At the end of episode 3, Jack was able to get at least some info courtesy of his journey into the jungle. While we don’t quite think that he got everything that he wanted from that, he was able to get a little more information about a company that may be pulling some strings behind the scenes in Venezuela. As it turns out, this country could be linked to the death of Senator Jimmy, and because of this, Jack wants to put the pieces together. Rather, he needs to put the pieces together.

Working alongside Harriet (we now have a consistent name for her now!), Jack was able to visit the company Eprius headquarters and, temporarily, freeze their assets in return for some answers. Did Eprius guard Reyes’ mining operations? Not so much — instead, they directed Jack and Harriet over to a Stockholm-based operation that provides these sort of services.

Meanwhile, the Eprius head also said that he recognized Max, the hired gun who was central to a lot of the danger so far this season. Eprius does has a connection to Max, but in their words, they were the middlemen. There were answers here, but nothing definite — meaning that Jack continues to be on the move.

This is why Jack was willing to use his own resources to venture towards London, where the company was based, after the CIA benched him for some of his actions in the jungle.

Greer’s quest in Venezuela

While Jack had his mission, Greer had his own still in South America — one that led to him speaking with Gloria about something unrelated to politics. Think more in terms of the work that he was doing before he disappeared … something that may have connections to Reyes in its own right. Greer was working for justice, and that led to Gloria having to make a key decision — was she willing to forego an offer to be an heir apparent to the Presidency down the road just for the sake of trying to get some justice? It also doesn’t help that Gloria is being targeted and she’s going to need protection to keep pursuing this mission.

The big reveal came about close to the end of the episode, as Reyes showed off some technology that pinpointed to the location of American troops on US soil. He wants them done away with — and he doesn’t want anyone to find out about it. The technology that was being used here was the same technology that Jack uncovered at the center of everything in London. He eventually did what he could to chase down the target, but to no avail. Max, and so many other opponents, were all still out there.

CarterMatt Verdict

We’re now at the halfway point of this season and with that in mind, we’re getting a good sense of what this season is going to look like. We have a powerful dictator trying to run the show, and then questions swirling all around as to whether or not they will really be able to do so. Jack’s taking on his work overseas while Greer is doing what he can in South America.

Related News Be sure to get some more news right now when it comes to Jack Ryan now!

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