NBC’s ‘Revolution’ spoilers: Who’s forced into a choice?
Monday night’s new episode of “Revolution” is going to be a tricky one … especially when it comes to one major decision that Miles is going to be forced into making. It’s been a full two weeks now since the show was on the air thanks in part to the Presidential election, and with that, there are really even more questions that you have to ask when it comes to this episode.
For one, will the level of excitement be as high here? While there are parts of this series that we we do very much love and cherish, there are also problems that have caused us from jumping up and down as much as we would otherwise have. For one, we have the main character of Charlie, who still does not really have much to her character outside of some sort of drive to do whatever she can to talk about family. In addition to that, we really also could do with a little bit more of a concise storyline suggesting what really is going to be coming up for the characters.
While these concerns are there, there are also some reasons to be excited here, namely in that the last episode, which was a showcase by and large of Giancarlo Esposito’s character of Captain Neville, is the best on the show yet. We’re also starting to get a grip on just what sort of mysteries surround the power going on, and how Charlie’s family may very well be front and center behind much of what could happen moving forward.
What do you want to see happen on the show next? Be sure to share some more of your thoughts below, and you can also read more “Revolution” news over at the link here.
Photo: NBC