Outlander season 5 debate: When will a full trailer arrive?
Now that we’ve gotten a chance to see that teaser trailer, the next order of business is this: Getting to see a full trailer! It feels like the next necessary order of business, and we know that it’s something that we want. Yet, simultaneously we can’t be super-shocked that we didn’t get it earlier this year. Just think about things in this sense: There was no real reason for the folks at Starz to rush such a reveal along. They still have months to go until the new season premieres, and with that, they can take their time to figure out some of what they want to show off next.
So when can we expect that trailer to be revealed? We think that there are a couple of different options.
December – Remember that, as much as a trailer is great for fans, they are released mostly for promotional purposes. The holidays are a tricky time, since it can be easy for stuff to get lost. If we were Starz, we’d consider releasing a trailer either in the week that precedes Christmas or in the days that follow. Why? There isn’t a whole lot else happening and you can command the market.
Early January – The merit to releasing a trailer here is that you don’t have to worry about the holidays causing someone to forget about various ins and outs of what you’ve got going on. Beyond just that, you also have an advantage in that you can seamlessly promote in a constant fashion from the start of January through mid-February.
In the end, we don’t think November is an ideal time to promote a season more than two months away; meanwhile, the middle of January/early February is too soon.
What do you want to see when it comes to Outlander season 5? Be sure to share right now in the comments, and remember to stick around for some other news.
Photo: Starz