Elementary series finale photos: What are Sherlock, Watson doing?

As you prepare for the Elementary series finale on CBS this Thursday, it’s going to be very clear that things are a little dicey. For starters, Sherlock Holmes, in the eyes of some, is going to be dead entering the finale episode.

Through this story, Elementary is clearly taking a page from the classic Sherlock Holmes stories, and that is going to be a big part of the fun. We’re starting off this episode with Sherlock hiding out overseas following the arrest of one Odin Reichenbach, and there is mystery aplenty right now as to what’s going to be coming on the other side. The photo above features Joan beside a grave with a mallet — is there a clue buried within the headstone or something as to Sherlock’s whereabouts?

Yet, rest assured that Sherlock isn’t going to stay gone from this world for too long — as the photo below reveals, he and Joan are going to reunite in due time! Even when they do, Sherlock’s still wearing a hood over his head, presumably to preserve his identity. Throughout the upcoming episode, we’re going to have a chance to see him do whatever he can to battle Odin … presumably with Joan’s help. We think that he will reach out to Joan in secret, knowing that he can trust her even if he can trust few others.

The one twist that could enter the fray here is Jamie Moriarty, who is going to be a major part of this upcoming story. While Natalie Dormer may or may not appear in the flesh, it doesn’t matter in terms of establishing stakes in the story. Where things do matter is in terms of genuine audience reaction and excitement. We know that the Elementary finale is going to create so much more of a splash in the event that Dormer is there, and that we see one more battle between Sherlock and who is, undoubtedly, one of his greatest foes.

What do you want to see on the Elementary series finale?

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