The Son season 2 episode 8 review: Is Prairie Flower dead?

The Son season 2 premiere date

The Son season 2 episode 8 was, at its core, one of the more challenging episodes that we’ve seen this season. It was an exercise in seeing characters make tough decisions and then, struggle in the aftermath of them.

For Jeanne, her questionable decision was clear the moment that she decided to hop in a vehicle with someone she hardly knew. This was someone who wanted to use her for his own purposes the moment that nighttime rolled around. Luckily, Jeannie was able to find her way home. Let’s just say that her family wasn’t altogether happy with her on the other side — it feels like she wanted to be away from being a McCullough for a while. It’s something that we understand in a way given that this family does have a tendency to be surrounded with trouble at every turn, whether it be trials, suspicion, or corporate finagling over Eli’s business empire.

For Jeanie, a part of her problem was simply what she ended up seeing — two characters together that she never needed to see. That set off the exodus that she had for much of the week.

So what else did we see within the present? Think in terms of Sally perhaps passing along way more information than she should have, making her situation a little more worse for wear than it necessarily had to be. (We’re honestly surprised that we didn’t spend more time with the characters in the present this week — it actually felt like more of the story was geared towards the past, which is where we are appropriately shifting our focus now.)

In the past, this episode was largely a story all about survival and some of the difficulties that came with that. The Commanche band found themselves on the precipice of an utter disaster at every turn. This included dealing with widespread sickness. Consider this a story about the slow decline, incredible hardship, and trying to find the one or two things to cling to when just about all hope seems lost. That’s what the song was really all about — comfort. Comfort in a time when there wasn’t anything else to feel comfortable about.

All of this ended in the past with the death of Prairie Flower, a young woman who never really had the opportunity to live the life that she probably wanted. She was cut down by factors that were well beyond her control, and this is one of those moments that could stick with you for the rest of the series. The episode brought you her funeral within the closing minutes, and it offered up insight into the way in which the tribe said goodbye — with a sense of sorrow and stillness at every turn. Experience death at a young age, which Eli did, is the sort of thing that sticks with you. Maybe that’s a fear that stuck with him, and you could draw a slight parallel to what he could’ve been feeling over Jeannie in the present.

CarterMatt Verdict

If there is a critique for The Son season 2 episode 8, you can argue that it was a little bit slow-moving in terms of its pacing. There’s another critique you could make that there wasn’t enough of Eli in the present day, either. Nonetheless, what the show did offer up tonight is another complicated series of events and an emotional series of events in the closing minutes that showed you just what death looked like.

Do we still have questions? Sure, mostly in terms of legacy. What is it going to be for Eli and his family?

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