Snowfall season 3 trailer: Is the business getting too big?

Snowfall season 2

Come July 10, Snowfall season 3 is going to drop of FX. It’s a batch of episodes months in the making, and it’s coming at what may be the series’ overall creative high point.

Personally, we think that season 2 of the series deserves some sort of Most-Improved trophy for everything that it brought to the table. Think in terms of the fantastic sense of action and drama that it brought from start to finish, the arrests, the shootings, the tone, and the style. Franklin’s got more power than ever, but he’s also feeling most likely a little bit of Peter Parker. With great power comes great responsibility, and he’s certainly found himself a lot of great power as of late. Now, he’s set to wrestle with whatever those consequences are. They’re going to impact his life, his family, his friends.

Ultimately, what Franklin’s realizing now is that the coke business is big — bigger than perhaps he ever expected. He’s a guy who’s on top of a train that is building up steam and going more and more out of control, really to the point where it’s not altogether sure that he can even control it anymore. How can he when there are so many people all taking part in this business? It’s only going to get harder to control from here.

The third season of this show is going to be integral, given that this is where it could go from being a great show to an outstanding show. This is where it could find even more of a groove for itself and prove to be one of the titans that exists throughout summer TV. Obviously, a key component of the new season is going to be its depiction of history and the era. Beyond that, you also need to craft characters who are compelling even when they are not doing the most likable things. We’ve come to find over time that this is not the easiest thing in the world to do; you may not be rooting for some of the individual actions of these characters, but you still need to understand where they are coming from. You need to be feeling something from them since otherwise, there is no weight to this story and everything starts to slowly peter out.

Rest assured, Snowfall season 3 is worth watching — beyond everything that we’ve spelled out in this article already, the trailer below should give you a little bit of a greater sense of it.

For some more insight when it comes to Snowfall…

Be sure to head over to the link here to learn about how the show handled the death of executive producer John Singleton, someone who was very much important to the overall legacy of this series.

What do you most want to see when it comes to Snowfall season 3, and are you more excited than ever based on this new trailer? Be sure to share right now in the comments, and come back soon for some more news. (Photo: FX.)

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