Lucifer season 4 finale spoilers: The finale title is…


After a significant period of time waiting, we now know the Lucifer season 4 finale title — but what does it actually mean? Let’s just say that this was not the title we were originally expecting going in…

If you want to get some more news on Lucifer, remember to check out the latest at the bottom of this article! For more, remember to subscribe to CarterMatt on YouTube and also check out our official Lucifer playlist. We’ve got even more updates coming your way that you don’t want to miss.

As you can see in the post below via the show’s official Twitter, “Who’s Da New King of Hell?” looks to be the name for the final episode — that certainly suggests that something is going to be up and all hell is going to break loose (perhaps pun intended). We supposed that one of the biggest reasons why that title was out there previous was to preserve a sense of mystery for as long as possible.

Is it possible that Lucifer’s going to lose all connections to hell imaginable? Could the new king actually be a queen? We don’t have to tell you that it’s hard to really come up with too many theories here without even seeing the episodes, but what we know at the moment is that Eve is going to be a huge factor in this upcoming season — she’s being promoted like she is one of the stars! You have to speculate that she’s going to have a larger role in this journey than perhaps anyone knows, largely because we don’t even know quite yet just why she is even around in the first place. Why not? After so many years, why turn up now?

There are some other characters you could speculate this line coming from, but we also gotta remember one other important thing … this may not be a title to actually take literally. Instead, Lucifer has a knack to deliver a lot of fun episode titles that are often little more than cheeky reminders of the show’s signature tone and wit. (Of course, the writers clearly knew that we were going to make a considerable deal out of this title, mostly because of the fact that they didn’t give it to us at the same time as all of the others during production.)

Luckily, you’re not going to have to wait too much longer in order to get some answers! We’re going to have some of them starting on Wednesday when the show premieres, and we’re sure that for some of you, you’re going to get answers sooner rather than later (provided that you’re quick as a binge-watcher).

For some other news when it comes to Lucifer

Check out the link here! That’s where you can see our full examination of the season 4 key art from a little bit earlier on in the day.

What do you think about the Lucifer season 4 finale? Be sure to share right now in the comments below! (Photo: Netflix.)


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