Big Brother Canada 7 live feed spoilers: Veto winner revealed!
For those who haven’t heard some of the information from the past few days, let’s summarize it for a moment. Cory is the new Head of Household, and she chose on Friday to nominate Dane alongside Estefania for eviction. They are two people who don’t have any experience being on the block, and Dane can rest assured now that he won’t stay there. He’s officially won the Veto! This gives him the power to ensure his safety for the week, and it does mean that we could potentially see Sam be the latest houseguest to go from being Head of Household one week to evicted the next. She’s really the new Chelsea in that regard.
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The big difference between Sam and Chelsea is that Chelsea at least had the chance to go home and learn about the Pretty Boys right away. Sam may be stuck in the dark for a long time without much in the way of information or answers coming at her. She’s going to be kept in the dark, unfortunately without answers or any sort of idea as to what actually happened.
Is it possible that Cory could nominate someone else? In theory, sure, but we know that she’s close to Anthony and Damien and Adam’s already been told that he’s safe. We don’t foresee her nominating Mark, and getting rid of Este just doesn’t feel like all that successful a week given that she hasn’t won anything all season long.
It’s all rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic
The most comical part of all of this is that the Pretty Boys can really just sit back at all of this and have a good time since while these people are all targeting each other, they all still remain in the game and nobody is altogether wise that the four of them are working together. They really could end up being the final four just because nobody seems to have all that much killer instinct wanting to take them out. This is one of the most baffling casts in Big Brother Canada history in terms of them wanting to continue to do stuff that’s really bad for their game and almost not even care about it. The sort of obliviousness that we’re getting from them is borderline appalling.
We’ve said it before, even though we don’t like to say it, but the power and the credit here still has to go to the Pretty Boys alliance for figuring out a way to form so many side alliances so that nobody really ever puts two and two together. Other than maybe Mark, every one of them has done a good job of getting their own group.
What do you think is going to happen following the Veto on Big Brother Canada 7? Share now in the comments. (Photo: Global.)