Law & Order: SVU spin-off Hate Crimes not happening just yet
Last year, it was first revealed that Law & Order: SVU was going to be bringing a new chapter into the franchise in Law & Order: Hate Crimes. With all the talk about another Dick Wolf series in FBI getting a spin-off over at CBS, we’ve long wondered what happened here.
Well, now we know a little bit more. According to a new report from TVLine, this particular offshoot of the Law & Order franchise is being delayed indefinitely. That means that, more than likely, it will not be on the fall schedule and may not be on during the 2019-20 season at all.
The idea for Hate Crimes was to take on the rising groundswell of these sort of terrible events all over the country, and present what ultimately is an unflinching look at what happens to people who are put in this sort of situation. It could expose the world to a lot of the different variations of hate crimes and it’s not all about just what you see on television; there are many different layers to it and elements that this should could explore, but with all things TV, they have to be perfect.
At the moment, it just seems like something was askew with Hate Crimes — maybe it is the timing, maybe it is something business-related for NBC, or maybe it is something about the concept. No matter, we’re going to have to wait for a little while now to chart what’s coming up next for this particular edition of the franchise — if anything. SVU at least still is not going anywhere — originally, the idea for this spin-off was going to be introduced on this show, but we don’t expect that to be the case as of right now.
The main order of business now for the SVU franchise is to get the show renewed for a season 21 — we’re reasonably confident that this will happen (read more about it over at the link here), but we’ve been around this TV business long enough to know that sometimes, it’s best to not count on anything. It would just be exciting here because of the record it would set, but then also because of the opportunity to tell more important stories.
This is what we consider to be the stone foundation at the core of SVU, and also Hate Crimes if it ever does see the light of day — telling stories that are a reflection of the world, and also one that allow everyone to better see and empathize with victims. While they are fictional accounts, they are based on real-life events at times and the writers want to expose some of these issues to the world. We’re still going to be holding out how that someday, we do get a chance to see Hate Crimes coming down the pipeline.
Are you disappointed that the Hate Crimes spin-off is not happening yet?
Be sure to share right now in the comments! Remember that Law & Order: SVU proper airs Thursday nights on NBC. (Photo: NBC.)