American Horror Story: Apolcalypse episode 6 preview: ‘Return to Murder House’
Let’s kick things off here with the title, which is very revealing in itself: “Return to Murder House.” While we know some out there were disappointed that the writers didn’t throw you into the crossover right away, it’s about at its peak right now. We are largely thinking that the story is only going to get crazier from here on out, and we’re certainly curious to see what that looks like — especially as more familiar characters start to enter the world.
It’s also worth noting that this episode also just so happens to mark the debut of Sarah Paulson as a director. In the midst of all of the brilliant things that she has done throughout her career, it’s still somewhat surprising that this is a role that she’s never taken on … until now, that it is. There’s plenty of reason to have confidence in what she is going to be bringing to the story behind the scenes, mostly because she understands character and performance so well.
Oh, and there is one more super-important thing — reports are that this is the episode that will feature a return from Jessica Lange. She was one of the original headlining stars of American Horror Story and it certainly feels appropriate for her to come back in an installment featuring one of her strongest co-stars behind the scenes. Ryan Murphy has been stating for years that he would love to get her back for more, but this is really one of those situations where it’s down more to what she wants to do. We’re certainly game to see more of Lange on the series, provided that it is a role that measures up to her talent. We wouldn’t want to see her wasted on a nothing part.
What do you want to see now when it comes to American Horror Story: Apocalypse episode 8, and are you excited for Lange to be back or for Paulson as a director? Share right now in the attached comments. (Photo: FX.)