Crime Dynamic Duos: NCIS: Los Angeles (Deeks / Kensi) vs. MacGyver (Mac / Jack)
What are the rules of the tournament? Basically, all eligible shows have to still be in the midst of their run on TV as of August 1, and at least one character involved needs to be involved in solving crimes in some capacity. They can be a cop, a private investigator, a federal agent, a lawyer or a high-ranking officer. What matters is that they put plenty of bad people away.
Voting Rules – Vote however often you like! Voting for Round 3 is open until Friday, August 24 at 1:00 p.m. Pacific time; round 4 will officially kick off on August 25, and at that point, we will have arrived to the final four pairs!
In today’s showdown, we are continuing the third round by featuring a super-popular top seed in Kensi and Deeks from NCIS: Los Angeles, who are squaring off this time around against MacGyver and Jack from MacGyver. Only one duo will advance to the final four!
Kensi and Deeks, NCIS: Los Angeles (#1 seed) – To date, these two have been able to take down most of their competition by a fairly sizable margin, and it’s no surprise given the passionate that is out there for Densi as a ‘ship and then, to go along with it, the mystery that is there entering season 10. We also do think that the popularity of the romance stems from a couple of different things: Their romantic relationship (which certainly plenty of people root for) and then also the working dynamic that the two of them have. They get the job done, but they often are funny and super-engaging every step of the way.
Mac and Jack, MacGyver (#2 seed) – We do think that much of the appeal for Mac and Jack lies within the fun back-and-forth that they have. They bicker, but they also are willing to put their butts on the line when the situation calls for it in order to ensure that everyone else can live a little bit easier. They’ve had a smooth run to this point in the tournament, and defeated Bull and Marissa from Bull by a fairly sizable margin in this past round. We’ll see just where things go now, given that this is the hardest competition we have seen to date.
Your take
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