Madam Secretary season 5: How can CBS series move forward after Presidential decision?
In the closing minutes of the finale, Elizabeth determined that a Presidential run was one of the only ways that she could ensure that the world was a safer place. She went through one of the biggest nuclear scares in recent history and following that, she’s trying to work towards denuclearization in the biggest, boldest way possible. It’s a lofty goal, but one of the most important ones that any politician can have. The show cannot stress enough just how important it really is to make the world a safer place and despite all of the various things we may argue about, this is really the most important thing to have focus on. Elizabeth wants to make sure that the world is still here tomorrow so everyone can live happy, healthy lives.
Now that we know of Elizabeth’s future intentions there is another important question to ponder: When could we end up seeing her have more conversations about this? Even though Elizabeth has made this decision, we didn’t have an election all that long ago on the show. One of the things that the writers have to figure out this summer is whether this ending was setting the stage for something down the road, or whether or not this is something that is being set up right away. In the case of the latter, the fifth season is going to need a time jump and with that, offer updates on many different characters. Everyone could end up being in a new place to bring the show back into campaign season.
A big determining factor for us with this story is rather simple — how much does Madam Secretary want to show Elizabeth as a possible President? If they want to get here for sure by the end of the show, they may want to touch on it sooner rather than later. The ratings were down a lot for season 4 and with that, there’s no guarantee that there will be a season 6.
Hopefully, the premiere will serve as a way to get some answers as to what’s coming up on the series next.
Related – When will Madam Secretary season 5 premiere?
What do you want to see when it comes to Madam Secretary season 5? Do you think that it’s the right time for a Presidential campaign? Share right now in the comments below!
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