Into the Badlands season 3 episode 7 preview: Sunny’s interrogation
In the sneak peek below, what we’ve got is Sunny doing everything that he can in order to get information from the River King — it’s not just about finding the location of Pigrim; it’s also about better understanding the man. As we’ve seen already, he is certainly not the easiest man to comprehend in general. He’s a dangerous zealot who operates mostly by code and also isn’t exactly afraid to make big moves when he thinks that it best serves him. Take what happened at the end of this past episode, where we saw Pilgrim do his personal reenactment of the end of Old Yeller. (We’re not exactly saying that Castor was rabid, but it was pretty clear there were some other issues going on there.)
Do we think that Sunny got all of the information that he was seeking through this conversation? Not exactly, but we have a good feeling he knew that already. The larger challenge is one that will follow this conversation and lead eventually to the final episodes of this season … or at least the first half of it. We have a hard time imagine that Castor’s death is the only enormous shocker that is coming in the near future. This is a show too decorated with blood to have anyone getting off easy by the end of it.
Related – Be sure to get some other information when it comes to Sunday night’s new episode
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Remember now that you can also like CarterMatt on Facebook in the event you want some other information regarding the AMC series the moment more is available. That, of course, includes a review for Sunday night’s episode following its East Coast airing. (Photo: AMC.)