Sherlock star Benedict Cumberbatch becomes real-life hero near Baker Street

Sherlock season 4

Just in case you needed a reminder that Benedict Cumberbatch is an amazing human beyond just his work on Sherlock and other projects, we’ve got that for you in this latest story.

Per The Sun, Benedict last November ended up being a hero to a cyclist who was being mugged by a mob of four people. The actor was riding in an Uber with his wife when he noticed the incident, jumped out of the card, and was able to effectively scare away the muggers. Once he got involved and the muggers started to figure out that it was Benedict Cumberbatch who was saving the day, they reportedly scattered.

In a statement per the aforementioned publication, the Uber driver named Manuel Dias had the following to say about the incident:

“The cyclist was lucky, Benedict’s a superhero … Benedict was courageous, brave and selfless. If he hadn’t stepped in the cyclist could have been seriously injured.”

Meanwhile, a police report described more of the incident as follows:

“One of the males attempted to grab the victim’s cycle… He was then punched in the face, struck on the head and hit with his helmet … nothing was reported stolen. The victim did not require hospital treatment. No arrests have been made.”

Even the delivery company who employed the cyclist released a statement today, making it all the more surprising that this story didn’t get out until now. Consider this yet another reminder that as a person, Cumberbatch isn’t exactly attention-seeking. He’s just someone who goes about his life and helps people when he feels like that is the right thing to do. It’s rather refreshing in that way and certainly different from what we’re accustomed to seeing these days with much of the entertainment / social-media world.

The one thing that somehow makes this story even better? It happened near Baker Street, which is of course the site of the famous Sherlock Holmes “residence.”

Related More of the latest Sherlock news

What do you think about both this story and Benedict’s quiet heroics? Share in the comments!

Meanwhile, be sure to like CarterMatt on Facebook for some other insight right now when it comes to the BBC series. (Photo: BBC One.)

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