The Big Bang Theory season 11 episode 17 preview: Kripke messes with wedding plans

The Big Bang Theory season 11 episode 2

Tonight’s episode of The Big Bang Theory season 11 is going to address one of the show’s long-standing questions: what’s happening with Howard and Bernadette’s baby? By the end of this episode, one major milestone is going to be checked off. Now it’s on to the next one: Trying to figure out when Sheldon and Amy are actually going to get married. This is something that has been talked about since the very beginning of this season, but there hasn’t been a whole lot of headway when it comes to when it’s actually going to happen.

Moving into The Big Bang Theory season 11 episode 17 airing on CBS next week, CarterMatt can confirm that the wedding will be a big part of the storyline. However there is a pretty clear difference between having the wedding be a discussion point and having said ceremony actually happened. There’s going to be some more bumps in the road, and on this episode one of the biggest ones is going to come via Barry Kripke (John Ross Bowie). Sheldon’s occasional rival is back, and with that he may provide some sort of snag that keeps the ceremony from coming together the way they want.

For a little bit more information as to what’s coming up, be sure to check out The Big Bang Theory season 11 episode 17 synopsis below:

“The Athenaeum Allocation”-Leonard jumps through hoops to help secure the perfect wedding venue for Sheldon and Amy. Also, Bernadette and Wolowitz have a hard time deciding who should stay at home with the kids and who should go back to work, on THE BIG BANG THEORY, Thursday, March 8 (8:00-8:31 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network. John Ross Bowie returns as Kripke.

So what is the perfect wedding venue for Sheldon and Amy? That’s an interesting question because it’s hard to think of a single place that would serve as a compromise for the two of them. For Sheldon, we could see him wanting to get married on either spaceship or some sort of train somewhere. However, with Amy it’s a little bit more likely that she would want to get married at some sort of period village where everybody is speaking as though they are characters in Little House on the Prairie.

What do you want to see on this upcoming episode of the CBS series? Share right now in the attached comment below! Meanwhile, like CarterMatt on Facebook for some additional insight when it comes to The Big Bang Theory. (Photo: CBS.)

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