The Big Bang Theory season 11 finale: Will Sheldon – Amy wedding happen?
Given that this season started off with Amy officially accepting Sheldon’s proposal, it absolutely makes some sense that this would be the way the story would go. Yet, there hasn’t quite been verification of anything 100% just yet — it’s clear that the story is working its way to a wedding of some sort but there hasn’t been a wedding date.
As of right now, that same sentiment exists within the show writers room. Speaking to TVLine, executive producer Steve Holland suggesting that it’s likely you’ll see Sheldon and Amy become husband and wife, but there are no guarantees on the subject:
“I think you will see a wedding [this season] … We haven’t written the finale yet, but we’ve certainly been building to it all season.”
Maybe you can argue that the wedding itself serves as some sort of cliffhanger at the end of the season, but it’s hard to imagine a world in which it is not addressed in the finale in some shape or form. It’s too far ingrained in the fabric of what this show is at the moment to be ignored. What will be interesting moving into season 12, though, is that Raj will suddenly be the only character without some sort of stable romantic relationship. We hope, with that in mind, that the focus of this season is finding a way to get him that sort of permanent relationship. After all, there’s a chance that season 12 could be the end of the road for the series depending on what the producers decide.
As for what we expect when it comes to a Sheldon – Amy wedding, there will probably be some romance — yet, it’s going to be of the weird, wacky, and unexpected variety. It’s not going to be the sort of hyper-romantic wedding that you’ve gotten a chance to see on some other shows over time.
Do you want to see a Sheldon – Amy wedding happen at some point on The Big Bang Theory season 11? Be sure to share right now below!
Meanwhile, be sure to like CarterMatt on Facebook in the event you do want to grab some other insight when it comes to the series. (Photo: CBS.)