Vice Principals season 2 finale: Who shot Neal Gamby?

Vice Principals season 2 finale

At the center of the Vice Principals season 2 finale on HBO was one question — who shot Neal Gamby? After all, over time so many other loose ends had been tied up and this was the biggest one remaining.

For most of the past year, it was easy to assume that it was Lee Russell who was responsible for the shooting for one simple reason — he wanted the Principal job to himself. Also, he was a complete psychopath.

Yet, we learned tonight that Russell, somehow, wasn’t actually the person responsible for firing off the bullet — he was crazy, but he was not that crazy. Russell did a bit of digging after starting to feel remorseful for some of his past actions; in the process of that, he finally learned that it was crazy-stalker teacher Jen Abbott who tried to kill Neal. She was jealous of the relationships that he had with both Lee and Amanda and determined that if she couldn’t have him, nobody could.

When Jen was confronted as to what she did, she then decided to try to murder Lee and then leave Gamby in a hole. Remember those booby-traps that Gamby set up to avoid being attacked? Well, those came back to bit him. He found himself trapped while Jen then went back to North Jackson High to murder Amanda. She didn’t succeed, and we’re incredibly surprised that through the first half of this episode nobody actually died despite all of the murder attempts. She’s really quite terrible at this.

Eventually the episode culminated with a live tiger being let on the loose in the campus. It ate Russell’s hand, but (somehow) he also made it out of there alive. Jen, meanwhile, found herself carted away in a cop car.

Flash forward three months…

Yet again, North Jackson changed their mascot — now they are the Shamrocks. Gamby doesn’t work there anymore, and now had a job working as the Principal for the local Middle School. He had his dream job, but it just wasn’t at the same school he envisioned he’d be working at. He was aggressive, but at the same time cooperative. Maybe he wasn’t that different from his old self, but we do like to think that he learned something. Lee now found himself working in retail, and Amanda managed to get her career as an author off of the ground.

For most of the series Vice Principals was a show insane beyond all measure, and it proved to be the case again tonight.

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