Quantico season 3 starts filming; see Priyanka Chopra teases

Quantico season 3

While you may still be waiting until 2018 to see Quantico season 3 in action, you should know that filming is now officially underway!

Multiple different sources all confirmed the news, and now work can officially begin getting some of the episodes taped for whenever ABC wants to put them on TV. Priyanka Chopra and the cast are all already hard at work, and this season will feel both similar and different. You’ll see a number of familiar faces still around, but also some new arrivals. Structurally, the show may be devised in a way where it is also a little bit easier to follow week to week everything that is going on. You also have a new showrunner in Michael Seitzman, who is coming in following two seasons with Josh Safran at the helm. There’s a new energy around the show, and hopefully some exciting things will come as a result of that. The news of production starting up comes days after we reported here at CarterMatt about the first read-through of the season.

Today, Priyanka Chopra helped celebrate both filming and also her making it to 20 million viewers on Twitter (a mind-bending achievement) by doing a Q&A with many fans on social media. You can see some of her responses below, with many of them pertaining to the show. Take, for example, her saying that “this season brings together an amazing new team and new flavor.” She also gave her character of Alex Parrish some pretty great advice — “allow yourself to fall in love.” We definitely know at this point that the character has no real shortage of suitors out there.

At the moment, Quantico is of course so early in its production process that there are still a number of secrets out there when it comes both to new characters and some of the twists and turns that are coming. Even though there are a number of things that are very much different about the show, we also do expect a few other things to stay the same. Take, for example, the surprises that the show likes to drop on you, or some of the attempts to try and make it relevant to what’s going on in the world today. Unfortunately, there are so many terrible things going down that the series really doesn’t have any shortage of events to pull from.

Once there is more news out there regarding a Quantico season 3 premiere date, we’ll be sure to let you know. We feel like ABC should make this clear at some point before the end of the year — though maybe this is wishful thinking.

What do you think about Quantico season 3 filming?

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