Zoo season 3 spoilers: Is Mitch alive, and where is he?


When Zoo season 3 picks up at the end of the month on CBS, you are going to see the character of Mitch in a brutal, surprising position. Here’s the good news: He’s alive! The bad news is that at some point after his hybrid attack so many years beforehand, he was effectively dunked in a tank and stuck there so that he could survive for a long period of time.

Thanks in part to Clementine (who made it clear that she knew where Mitch was in the cliffhanger ending), this is how Mitch will apparently resurface at the start of season 3. Speaking per TVLine (who also first shared the photo below), actor Billy Burke makes it clear that this is where his character is:

“That wasn’t a dream or anything. It did happen. He got rescued at some point and put into this, for lack of a better term, ‘stasis/preservation tank.’ And he’s been there for some quite some time.”

It shouldn’t surprise anyone that with his knowledge, Mitch is one of the few people who can actually solve the current crisis plaguing the planet, in between the hybrid attacks (hey, that’s how they keep the name of the show working for them) and also the lack of anyone to be able to reproduce. This is a very scary new world, and it is going to take help from people like Mitch to be able to get things back on track. Eventually, there’s a good chance that he will save the day given that this is a positive, optimistic show about hope (even though Mitch isn’t always the most positive person himself).

With that said, it’s also going to be ridiculous fun! This show is bold, it’s freaky, it’s messy, and it also has some of the best ships on TV (more Mitch and Jamie please). It has both intentional and unintentional comedy, and watching it is almost akin to going to see a big-budget summer movie on a weekly basis. You know that the whole idea of it is completely crazy, but there’s something so fun and addictive about it that you can’t look away. The fact that Mitch has been surviving in what looks like some modified version of the tank from Stitchers should tell you everything that you need to know about the tone of the show.

What do you think is coming up for Mitch over the course of Zoo season 3? Sound off now in the comments!

Meanwhile, head over here to secure some further news right now when it comes to Zoo season 3, including one of the first promos! (Photos: CBS.)


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