The Blacklist season 4 episode 21 review: Reddington, Mr. Kaplan set the table
This decision on her part is further evidence of just how much resolve Lizzie really has on her part at this point. This is someone who was brutally tortured by this man, but still finds it within her heart to figure out a way to use him. She can look at getting back at him for the Debt Collector at some point down the road.
After making the decision to take down Mr. Kaplan first, Liz and the team went to work. Meanwhile, Reddington did the same thing in getting an audience with Dom, one of the few people who Mr. Kaplan did not have any sort of relationship with. Red went to him to clue him in finally on the whereabouts of his granddaughter … and also to tell him that if he did not return, he would need to find Masha on his own.
Everything in this first episode built towards a showdown between Reddington and Mr. Kaplan. Liz tried to orchestrate a peaceful meeting, but Reddington clearly showed that he didn’t want ANYTHING to do with it. Not only did he go rogue for a meeting of his own, but then Liz lied to the entire team about what was going on.
Oh, and to make matters worse, Reddingon took out Mario, which further shows that he is REALLY not the guy to trust. He traveled from here to his secret meeting with Mr. Kaplan, and then tried to pretend to be Protective Helicopter Guy when it comes to his treatment of Liz. He claimed that he will protect her and she’s “not Masha anymore,” and he told her at the same time that she is better off leaving. She wouldn’t listen, and eventually the FBI showed up and in turn, put Reddington in a situation where guns firing in all directions. Thank Gale for that, who got a tip on it from Mr. Kaplan. They agreed to work together, and she would testify against Reddington in court in exchange for immunity.
This seemed to be the cliffhanger for the time being, but luckily, there’s one more episode to go! This episode succeeded for the first part in setting the table for the final battle to come. Grade: B+.
(Photo: NBC.)