Big Brother Canada 5 live feed spoilers: Nominations, Ika falls on her sword
Despite waffling at the last minute, in the end we did see Kevin make the choice to nominate Ika and Demetres on the block. In the process, he apparently made some big speech about how he wanted to remove a puppetmaster (Ika) from the equation. We get the sense that Dre especially didn’t care for this, given that she wanted it to be seen that she was her own player. (However, this is kind of what Dre gets for being willing to let Ika think this entire time that she was being controlled, even if that was not the case.)
What’s more surprising than anything is continuing to see Ika seemingly fall on her own sword, saying that she would be terrible to everyone all week in hopes of getting Demetres to stick around in the game. She feels genuinely guilty and that her actions are one of the reasons why he is in trouble. Ika’s got a big heart — sometimes she gets a little misconstrued because of the letter-tearing and some of the arguments that she’s had with people. The reality is that she’s fiercely loyal to the people she is close to, and that is one of her big mistakes this season. She assumed that Dre was just as loyal to her as she was to her, and this caused some problems.
We do continue to think that there’s a small chance that something big could happen this week. If Dre’s game gets blown up, for example, maybe you can figure out a way to get her up as a replacement nominee and get some people to turn on her. However, that’s a longshot since Dre has been able to fleece people for much of the game and we don’t think anyone is really going to avoid taking a shot at splitting Demika up. One thing we will say is that Demetres, if he stays, is smart in realizing that he may work with Kevin. Given how mighty the middle of the house seems to be right now, this could be one of his few options.
If you do want some more news on Big Brother Canada, be sure to head over to the link here. (Photo: Global.)