‘UnREAL’ season 2, episode 2 video: Is Darius’ entourage about to crash the first night?
On Monday night’s all-new episode of “UnREAL,” we are going to have a chance to see effectively a second chance at this season of “Everlasting” starting up. On the first attempt, we saw Chet do everything he could in order to sabotage the opening of the show by more or less snatching up the lead in Darius Hill. As a result of that, he and Quinn compromised in having the night start off with the women all getting a chance to meet Darius for the first time at the pool. It’s something so cheesy, even “The Bachelor” wouldn’t do it.
The sneak peek below does pose yet another new problem for Quinn during her production, as it makes it pretty darn clear that she and Chet hadn’t talked about the role of Darius’ entourage on the show at all. The host introduces them like they were always meant to be there, but in turn, she makes it very clear that this is not actually the case and is more or less blindsided by their presence.
Don’t you think this is going to not go over very well? That seems to be the guess. Also, it seems like Darius being black is not going over well with a certain female contestant sporting a Confederate flag bikini. No real surprise there, but clearly she’s self-aware enough to realize just what sort of mess she’s gotten herself into the moment he shows up.
Want to get some other news right now when it comes to “UnREAL”? Then be sure to head over to the link here right now! We’ll have some more news on Monday’s new episode soon.
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