‘The Vampire Diaries’ season 8 debate: Should there be an all-new Big Bad?
Waiting is never fun, especially when it is something that lasts for the better part of the summer. Fans of “The Vampire Diaries” are stuck in a holding pattern until October most likely for the start of season 8, but we don’t want to make anyone wait that long for some more discussion on the site!
For now, the question we’re raising is simple: Should there be a new Big Bad? If this does mark the final season of the show, do you really want some new, extremely-epic villain to come in and intimidate our cast of characters? It’s an interesting idea, but it’s also not one we’re sure we really need given where season 7 ended off with Damon and Enzo.
The case for a new villain – If there was a way to tie together everything that these characters have been through, whether it be Klaus or the recent stuff with Rayna, wouldn’t you want to do it? If you could find a villain who served as a reminder of so many interesting adversaries gone by, that would make for an interesting proposition. There’s something fun and super-intriguing that could come out of seeing a new foe who could be instantly feared.
The case for no new villain – Why not just have the struggle be more internal? If you had Damon and Enzo be the focus given what happened in the wake of the Armory, would that be so bad? There’s something to be said at this point for keeping your ducks in a row, having the source of conflict be the characters we already have, and simply try to tie together the story and the relationships. Or, maybe you find a way to bring back some old notable characters in new, exciting ways.
Do you want to see a new villain in season 8? We want to hear your thoughts below!
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