‘UnREAL’ season 2 spoilers: How far will Quinn and Rachel go?
If you’ve been watching “UnREAL” for a rather long time, then odds are you are rather familiar with just how far the likes of Quinn often will go for the sake of “Everlasting” ratings. She will humiliate the contestants, push them out of their comfort zone, and manipulate confessionals to make women look far crazier than they actually are.
In case you are wondering a specific example of how terrible she will be in the second season, here’s a tease from Entertainment Weekly: There will be a Pakistani-American engineer named London on the show this time around, and Quinn (with the help of Rachel this time) is going to try to pressure her into wearing a head-scarf in order for her to look more “terrorist” as a means to boost ratings. It’s obviously incredibly offensive, but something that lies within the world of this show.
Speaking on the subject to the aforementioned publication, co-creator Sarah Gertrude Shapiro had the following to say:
“I know it’s totally crossing a line … That’s one of the ones where I’m like, ‘Wow, okay, here we go.’ … London’s family is Pakistani and she may have very distant ties to Osama bin Laden, but Quinn is like, ‘Well, now she does.’ This is so crazy that we’re actually doing that, but yes.”
It’s moments like this that make you want to see some of these “Everlasting” producers get their comeuppance, but at the same time, you could argue that they already have. Just look at the heartbreak that Quinn and Rachel both experienced in season 1, and who knows what awaits the two moving forward? The show returns on Monday, June 6, and we’ll have some other news soon.
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