‘Big Brother Canada 4’ review: The BBCAN Awards and nominations
Tonight’s “Big Brother Canada” episode is sponsored by the word “filler.” There was a lot of that this week courtesy of the annual “awards.” Gary Levy returned in order to provide the styling for the big occasion, and to go along with that the remaining houseguests got a chance to see a few little clips.
Here were the awards that were shown on the show.
Favorite Meltdown – Nikki’s “hot tub troll.” Really? The whole thing felt so obvious, even if it was fun.
Favorite Speech – Mitch “removing the cancer” from the game. This was very good, but it also reminded us of how unfair that whole twist was.
Best Kiss – Nikki and Nick. This should be evidence to Kelsey that Canada are not ‘shipping her and Jared, who actually had a real kiss that wasn’t in a dare or anything.
Best Temper Tantrum – Tim throwing a bat. We love Tim, but really? Had he actually hurt somebody with that there’s a good chance he would’ve been tossed from the season.
Game-wise, the brothers won Head of Household and nominated both Tim and Cassandra. It’s hard to really get excited about anything that’s happening at the moment with this given that the final four Veto matters more, and in general, it’s a little frustrating that there is only one person left in Cass who has played the entire game without having the aid of some sort of twist. Tim arrived after the first eviction, the brothers were gifted their first Head of Household by Canada + a game of chance, and Kelsey has been evicted already. That all makes this ending harder to digest.
In the end, we do think that Tim and Cassandra in particular are entertaining and would be worthy winners; while the brothers haven’t been great strategically, competition wins are important at this point. The live feeds are gone, so we’ll just see how this story ends. Grade: C+.
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