‘The Vampire Diaries’ season 8 not necessarily last one; Ian Somerhalder backtracks on comments

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Is it possible that there could be some life in “The Vampire Diaries” even beyond the upcoming eighth season? It’s now perhaps a little more possible than it was previously, based mostly on some comments made by Ian Somerhalder.

It was first Ian who created the buzz about season 8 being the show’s last when he suggested at a fan event that the next year would be the last one. Now, he’s clarified somewhat in a post on Twitter saying that he was more referring to himself and not necessarily the opinion of the entire show:

“Hey all, so… Last weekend I talked to an audience at a Q&A about the end of #TVD and how excited I was to make what I believe – my last year – be as great as possible. Somehow in my infinite wisdom and end-of-season foggy brain, I managed to make it sound like the show was coming to an end. Cut-to the press running stories that the show would be done after Season 8. Thing is, the people who actually make that decision (the CW and WB) haven’t made it yet! So let’s take things one step at a time: Season 7 wrap, vacation, lots of sleep, let the writers get started on Season 8, and then we’ll all see where we go from there. Until then, much love ;)”

If you were to probably ask us, we would say that, more than likely, season 8 will be the last for the show since this is a series that does have smaller ratings than it used to, and sooner or later, the show will want to end. Given the reputation that it has and the scope of the entire journey, it’d be somewhat of a shame that it ended after the series lost almost all of its relevance.

You can go back and read more about Somerhalder’s original comments over here; meanwhile, sign up at this link to get some additional TV news on all we cover, sent right to you via our CarterMatt Newsletter. (Photo: The CW.)

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