‘Big Brother Canada 4’ live feed spoilers: Nominations and Veto plans

Big Brother -This has been an odd day in the “Big Brother Canada” house, especially when it comes to figuring out precisely just what was going to happen in the aftermath of nominations. Figuring out these alone was a fairly easy task.

Ultimately, what we ended up seeing was Jared and Kelsey be put on the block by Maddy, which is what everyone thought would happen except for the two. Kelsey is back to claiming that she wants to go to jury over Jared, and that she will use the Veto on him if he wins. We honestly don’t understand why someone who has went through as much as her this season would want to throw her game away, but we suppose that ultimately, that’s simply her decision to make.

What else is interesting right now is that by and large, Maddy seems invested in keeping Kelsey over Jared, though it may not be her choice. While Raul and Ramsey may fight to get Kelsey out this week, how much sense does it make for people like Joel, Tim, or Nikki to keep him around. This is a chance to get rid of a super-huge physical threat who is well-liked, and if they get the brothers on board, they may be good as gold with the vote this week. The only downside to getting right of Jared is that if you’re someone like Tim, you and the brothers suddenly find yourselves becoming some of the bigger threats remaining in the game.

Ultimately, this will be a super-interesting week, especially in terms of what Maddy does as a replacement nominee. She may be up someone who she ensures will stay over Kelsey if Jared comes off, but who do you run that risk on? It has to be someone like Joel or Nikki.

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