‘The Amazing Race 28’ episode 2 preview: More like a super-tease
Unfortunately, CBS did not opt to give us a specific preview for next week’s new “Amazing Race” episode after the airing of the season premiere … and we’re rather sad about that. Instead, what we had was a super-tease of almost everything that is coming up. We saw Dubai, dancing, facing fears, and also a few tears to go along with all of this.
So why is a super-tease a bad thing? It may be a matter of preference, but the reason we don’t like it is that there are people out there who make it their job to scout the show and figure out where the teams go to over the course of the season. If, for example, they see Team B in location #5, then they can assume that this team makes it fairly far. Meanwhile, if another team barely shows up, it’s easy to assume that team is going home.
Why fan the spoiler flames? It’s not like the show gave away anything in here that made such a super-tease particularly necessary.
Complains aside, we do think that there is a heck of a lot of potential still for the rest of the season, with one of the primary reasons for that being that most of the cast seems to be fairly competitive, and there were only a couple of unfortunate selfie references in the premiere. Hopefully that will be at a minimum moving forward, and we can just focus on the whole fun fish-out-of-water element.
Interested in getting some other news on “The Amazing Race”? Then be sure to head over here, where you can get our full review of the premiere episode! Also, you can sign up over here to get some other TV news on all we cover, sent right over to you via our CarterMatt Newsletter. (Photo: CBS.)