2016 Super Bowl Commercials: Jim Gaffigan replaces Norm MacDonald as KFC’s new Colonel Sanders

Super Bowl -For whatever reason, KFC really loves to confuse us regarding who is going to be playing Colonel Sanders in some of their commercials. In the past, we’ve seen Darrell Hammond and Norm MacDonald in the famed role. For their Super Bowl commercial today, however, we saw Jim Gaffigan in the part!

The idea – The Colonel wakes up and tries to go about his business, and realizes that he has been through the wringer! Also, this is apparently promoting a Nashville hot chicken with pickles on top.

What works – We like how this commercial felt very much like an episode of “Newhart,” with Gaffigan’s version of the Colonel waking up from a crazy dream. There’s really not too much else in the way of substance here, but we do find the running gag funny along with the fact that the company just cannot make up their mind. It’s either that or people keep dropping out.

What doesn’t – We’re not entirely sure why this commercial makes you want to go get fried chicken. Instead, it has us more confused than anything else for the Colonel in the midst of his identity crisis. Also, we’ve always found the interpretation of the Colonel to be a little bit confusing.

Grade: B. It’s reasonably funny, though as we mentioned we’re not sure what we’re meant to take away from this other than the revolving door of Colonels. Our thought process now is more or less trying to figure out who is going to be playing the part next.

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