‘Power’ season 2, episode 7 preview: Ghost and Dre’s meeting of the minds
Sometimes, the most important things are those that are left unsaid in a conversation, and to us this is what makes the latest preview for Saturday night’s new episode of “Power” particularly intriguing. Ghost wants to know more about Dre’s connection to Kanan, and he uses both his status and also Dre’s current circumstances as manipulation.
So what does Ghost want from him in the end? Think of it as what you will: Loyalty, trust, or the feeling that this is someone who wants to move forward in life and therefore is not going to trap him in any way. Maybe they can be symbiotic. Ideally, this is what Ghost would want, provided that secretly his own needs always come first.
While Ghost may not show it on his face, he has to know that he is nearing a difficult and in some ways desperate situation moving into this episode. Tasha is basically forcing him to keep up appearances at this point with Angela, which is made all the more complicated thanks to Angela’s recent suspicions and the romantic history that the two of them share.
As for other events to watch out for in this episode, hopefully we get a sense of Holly’s present whereabouts in the wake of the latest Tommy fiasco, and also whether or not she actually comes across any further way to present proof about Ghost / Jamie while preserving her “no snitches” policy at the same time. There are only four episodes left, and we envision matters becoming all the more complex before we reach the end.