‘Mad Men’ series finale: See Jon Hamm’s idea for Sally Draper spin-off
Tonight, “Mad Men” is ending its run after seven seasons, and of course there are plenty of people out there who want to see the show continue in some shape or form. Why wouldn’t they? You always want more of a good thing, even if you just want it subconsciously and you are far too afraid to admit to it publicly. Of course, it’s not going to happen, which is why it is still fun to look at the ideas, such as the one Jon Hamm has for you below, and still plaster a big smile on your face.
The quote that Hamm gives you below is from an Emmy panel held today, and it is about how he wants to see a show where you actually get to see what happens next for Sally after she moves on from the events of the show:
“…We want to watch Sally grow up and live through the 70s and turn into a rock star and turn into, like, Joan Jett or something. You know, ride a motorcycle and kill a guy and make a bunch of money and become Oliver Stone in the 80s and then date Kurt Cobain in the 90s because she’s just so cool and she’s a touchstone for every generation. I mean, yeah, I’d watch that show, I think everyone would watch that show. Sally through the decades.”
It’s not a bad idea. We’d certainly enjoy it as much as Pete Campbell flying around with his new private-jet business, or getting to see whatever in the world Lou is doing now that he’s got his new venture. To us, the best endings are the ones where you can picture vividly what lies ahead for characters.
May 18, 2015 @ 3:25 am
Never got into the show but it was a satisfying ending