‘The Vampire Diaries’ season 6, episode 20 review: Did Elena and Damon take the cure?
“The Vampire Diaries” has certainly spent quite a bit of time as of late trying to make us wonder whether or not Elena Gilbert could or would actually take the vampire cure. This is what she has wanted for some time, but we’ve also come to know over the years that this is not always a show where characters get what they want. Instead, they are more often than not likely to die.
Elena finally did take the cure tonight, and the big news that comes along with this is that she finally knows everything about her past and her relationship with Damon. In some ways, that is a great thing since she realizes just how much she felt about him in the past. However, at the same time it brought to mind some other painful things, including whether or not Damon actually wanted to take the cure. Remember back when he said that he found the idea of it miserable? That is something he’s going to have to wrestle with now.
Unfortunately for Elena, Lily was back to some of her old destructive ways, and she was easy pray for her. She was put away again, and from there, tension of course started to form between Enzo and Stefan over the treatment of her.
On a different note, Alaric and Jo are preparing for their wedding! After a hot mess of a pre-party, it was determined that she is expecting twins, and this is yet another move towards their future. It’s too bad that there may still be a threat out there in Kai…
As a whole, this was a solid episode that thankfully did remember some of the show’s past. We’re not going to say that it changed our perception of the series much at all, but at least it has created a foundation for the story to continue in epic fashion from here. Grade: B.
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