‘Big Brother Canada 3’ review: Ketchup and catching up
Tonight, viewers of “Big Brother Canada” learned the Bobby and Zach do not often get along. Also, they learned that Bobby has been talking about a secret veto for a good week now. This is what happens when you have way more live feed footage than you can cram into the show, and players who are so desperate to stick around that they will try anything.
We’ll give Sindy some credit for really trying to be here. What she never quite realized, though, is that being so aggressive both times she was in the house was a bad move. Anyone who tries this hard is automatically a threat, and one that has to be eradicated for other people to control what is going on.
Here is the funny thing, though: We actually think that keeping Sindy and using her would have made sense to the Diaper Alliance. Bobby hates her, and the other side would probably not have been able to unify around her. Targeting herself this week was not really a good idea to strengthen this foursome. Instead, it makes the other side a little stronger moving forward. They’ll keep replacement nominee Brittnee, who is now going to hate them even more.
Some other highlights of the episode include:
1. Willow’s inappropriate ketchup jokes, which surprisingly made it onto the family hour of Global.
2. Willow acting like a slop pass = winning the entire game.
3. Bruno stopping people from entering a vault for what was a pretty useless task, given that the house would receive a reward either way.
4. A decent strategy-based Veto Competition completely ruined by over-the-top product placement. We understand that you need adverts, but there are better ways to implement it than just throwing logos all over the place!
5. Godfrey’s speeches every time. He should speak every week, regardless of if he is a nominee. Episode Grade: B.
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