‘Big Brother Canada 3’ live feed spoilers: Fun(?) with masks
After the seemingly-successful task that took place on “Big Brother Canada 3” earlier in the day, we were expecting some sort of wild party tonight that would give us the opportunity to see some booze, some crazy antics, and plenty of fun.
However, what we got instead was something that you probably can see at an arts-and-crafts class at the local library. They were all given materials to make masks, which the houseguests of course ate up like nobody’s business because they have nothing else to do. there were at least a few entertaining parts of this. We have not really spoken much in here about Willow’s ketchup costume that she is wearing from the Power of Veto, but ketchup bottle + a a mask = winning entertainment. The same goes for Godfrey trying to analyze personality based on the masks that each person created. Godfrey may not be awake much, but you really have to appreciate when he is.
Strategy-wise, we mostly have some ridiculous back-and-forth going on about whether Bobby should ultimately be put on the block. It is under strong consideration, but we really don’t think that it will happen … just because Zach and his alliance have gone the conservative / cowardly route so far. The funny thing is that while putting up Bobby as a replacement nominee against Sindy would make for better TV, you wouldn’t want to send him home even still. She is way more of a social / strategic threat than he is. Also, Bobby doesn’t like to flip on alliance members unless apparently badgered to do so.
We’ll be back with more in the morning; as of now, we’re predicting a quiet night.
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